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Carlo’s film release

“I am the Colonel” is an Italian documentary about the life of Colonel Carlo Calcagni, an honoured Italian officer and multiple gold medal winning Paralympic cyclist, who suffers from various neurological problems and MCS (multiple chemical sensitivity). Director  Michelangelo Gratton approached Carlo about sharing his story in a documentary film and Carlo whole-heartedly embraced the project in order to let everyone see his situation and inspire others to follow their dreams, despite the health challenges they may have.

In 1996, while serving in the military, Carlo participated in the international peace mission in the Balkans, breathing heavy metal powders and, as a result, he became seriously ill and was diagnosed with a series of neurological problems. This documentary presents the life story of this remarkable man, who started treatment at Breakspear Medical in 2010.  Carlo believes that Breakspear Medical is the only health facility in Europe able to cure MCS (multiple chemical sensitivity).

The film premiered on 28 June 2018  in Italy to a restricted audience, which will include representatives of culture and Paralympic sport, newspaper journalists and members of the Defence Commission and the Senate.

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