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Case study: 30-year struggle with eczema ends

Sarah*, a dedicated nurse, had been battling what she believed was eczema for nearly three decades. Over the years, she tried various treatments with limited success. She then visited our Environmental Naturopath and found her cure.


Sarah*, a dedicated nurse, had been battling what she believed was eczema for nearly three decades. Her skin troubles began in childhood with rashes under her eyes and later spread to her arms during her nursing career. Over the years, she tried various treatments, including steroid creams and antihistamines, with limited success.

In the autumn of 2023, Sarah got married and holidayed in Turkey. Upon returning, she noticed large, itchy patches developing on her skin. The rash intensified, spreading to her trunk, hands, and even the cleft between her breasts. Frustrated and uncomfortable, Sarah sought help from Breakspear Medical in January 2024.

Initial consultation (January 2024)

During her first appointment with Environmental Naturopath, Jean Monro, Sarah described her symptoms in detail. She mentioned experiencing watery, red eyes in the mornings and a persistent cough. Interestingly, she found that using an air purifier in her bedroom provided some relief. During examination, multiple circular lesions on Sarah’s trunk, flanks, and neck were noted.

Follow-up appointment (March 2024)

At her follow-up appointment, Sarah reported severe flare-ups, including episodes of urticaria (hives). She had begun to wonder if certain foods, like fruit or sugar, might be triggering her symptoms. A fungal infection was suspected rather than eczema and it was recommended that a skin scraping test was performed and regular application of a tea tree oil as an antifungal treatment.

A turning point (April 2024)

Sarah returned with surprising news – her rash had significantly improved. She had been diligently using tea tree oil, taking probiotics, and had eliminated sugar, alcohol, and processed sweets from her diet. Although the skin scraping test came back negative for fungus, our environmental naturopath remained convinced of a fungal origin due to the clinical presentation.

The resolution (May 2024)

In a joint consultation with Dr Eberhard Schwarz, it was confirmed that Sarah’s condition was not eczema but a fungal infection. She had been following a treatment regimen including:

  • Ketoconazole shampoo (used on skin and hair)
  • Clotrimazole cream
  • Tea tree body wash

The outcome

After 30 years of discomfort and misdiagnosis, Sarah’s persistent rash had completely cleared. Dr Schwarz provided a detailed letter to Sarah’s GP, explaining the correct diagnosis and successful treatment plan.

Key takeaways:

  1. Accurate diagnosis is crucial for effective treatment.
  2. What appears to be a common condition (such as eczema) may sometimes be something entirely different.
  3. A holistic approach, including dietary changes and environmental factors, can play a significant role in skin health.
  4. Persistence in seeking answers can lead to life-changing results, even after years of struggle.

Sarah’s case serves as a reminder to both patients and healthcare providers about the importance of keeping an open mind and exploring alternative diagnoses when traditional treatments fail to yield results.


*Name changed to protect identity.

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