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Studies have shown that approximately 50% of patients who visit the doctor are suffering from symptoms due to allergies or the environment. Allergies can easily disrupt one’s life in a variety of ways and sensitivities to food, perfume, smoke and other chemicals can make day-to-day living exceedingly difficult.

For those with allergies/sensitivities, the simple act of eating, inhaling and or being in contact with every day things can turn life into a nightmare. Low-dose immunotherapy (LDI) is one of Breakspear Medical’s specialities and this technique helps those with environmental illnesses by relieving some of the burden their immunology system has to bear. LDI works by re-educating the immune system so it can tolerate the triggers and substances which cause such distress in those affected. For those struggling with allergies, sensitivities and environmental illnesses, LDI could offer help to overcome these symptoms and regain control over their lives.

We have been specialising in allergy and environmental medicine for over 40 years.

The result of our low-dose immunotherapy (LDI) treatment programme is that many of our patients can eat and enjoy foods that previously caused them discomfort, and be exposed to inhalants that previously caused serious reactions.

During your first visit to our clinic, a member of our Clinical Team will investigate your health by taking your medical history, finding out about your current state of health and learning about your lifestyle.  Your diet, living and working environment and life experiences will be carefully considered to create personalised recommendations to help provide you with a better quality of life. Along with our LDI treatment programme to address your allergies/sensitivities, other approaches may be recommended. For example, detoxification through use of our IRATHERM®, which uses hyperthermia, may be of benefit. We will provide dietary and nutritional supplementation recommendations formulated on your individual needs.

A fundamental principle used at Breakspear Medical is to help our patients build stronger immune systems, which will help them gain control of their allergies and sensitivities. We have a wide range of medical papers on relevant topics, such as the relationship between histamine and diet, the benefits of going gluten-free and other relevant diets.  In addition, there are other things to consider within your environment, such as mould, electrical sensitivity, pet allergies, hay fever and toxic materials.

We recommend that all our patients learn more about the load phenomenon. Understanding this will help to understand why addressing allergies/sensitivities can hugely improve your quality of life.

Other treatment options which may be recommended include:

  • addressing stomach or digestive problems –  testing for these and provision of low-dose immunotherapy (LDI) will allow the correction of specific food sensitivities to help relieve pain and provide support.
  • improving gut function – recommendations will be made to optimise your gut function by balancing the microbiomes. The gut has trillions of bacteria, viruses and fungi, which are collectively known as microbiome.  Some are linked to disease while others are essential for your immune system and many other aspects of health.
  • detoxification –  lifestyle changes may be recommended to help eliminate toxins in the body, including drugs.
  • rectification of your energy cycle – the Krebs cycle is the citric acid cycle which is the main source of energy for living things. There are 10 steps in the Krebs cycle and if any of the steps are not performing as they should, there is a knockdown effect, which can cause extreme fatigue and pain.
  • redox restorative substances

If you suffer from allergies and environmental illness, make an appointment for an initial consultation with member of our Clinical Team at Breakspear Medical.

Being able to identify the root causes of allergy/sensitivity and then adjusting the body’s reaction through low-dose immunotherapy makes a world of different to a patient’s quality of life. Low-dose immunotherapy works by changing the immune system so that a reaction doesn’t occur when someone is exposed to an allergen or provocant.”

Jean Monro, Environmental Naturopath


For those with allergy/sensitivity and/or environmental illness, there are many supplements that may be recommended by our doctors, environmental naturopath and nutritional therapist. Often supplements are used in prescribed doses, which may vary considerably from the standard, recommended doses. A wide range of herbal remedies can also help as part of the first step to working towards feeling better.


Allergies/sensitivities can produce an amazing diversity of symptoms and can affect any system of the body. In fact, allergies/sensitivities may produce underactivity or overactivity of an affected organ or system, causing the body to work inadequately.

Common symptoms include:

  • runny nose
  • tiredness
  • hyperactivity
  • coughing
  • sneezing/wheezing
  • sickness, vomiting, diarrhoea
  • excess or rapidly changing weight
  • rash/hives
  • swelling
  • migraine
  • sinus pain
  • asthma
  • thirst
  • shortness of breath
  • addictions
  • mouth ulcers
  • constipation
  • bronchitis
  • piles
  • depression
  • stiff joints
  • sensitivity to light
  • itchy eyes, ears, lips, throat and roof of mouth

If you are suffering from these symptoms, find out how Breakspear Medical can help you with your allergies and environmental illness.

An environmental illness can occur when you are exposed to toxins, chemicals or substances in the environment that make you unwell. These typically “invisible” health hazards may be found where you live, work, or play and include cigarette smoke, electromagnetic fields, chemicals, pesticides, paints, car fumes, air or water pollution and highly scented household or personal care items. These items and many others can have an adverse impact on your health, causing an allergic or sensitivity reaction.

Allergy/sensitivity occurs either when the total load of allergens is too high and overwhelms the abilities of the immune system to cope, or when one particular trigger is at a dangerous level for that person. There is enormous individual variation in susceptibility to an allergen. One level of a substance that produces no symptoms in one person may make another, more susceptible, person very ill.

Common food allergens include:

  • wheat and gluten-containing foods
  • milk and milk products, including cheese
  • nuts
  • food additives
  • cocoa/chocolate
  • tea and coffee
  • onions
  • yeast
  • tap water
  • eggs
  • citrus fruit
  • tomatoes
  • alcohol
  • sugar
  • seafood

If you are allergic or sensitive to a food or chemical, then exposure will give you symptoms., which may occur instantly or be delayed, which makes it difficult for the allergy/sensitivity sufferer to recognise the cause of the reaction.


We have shared information about allergy and environmental illness in many editions of our newsletter. Here are a few examples of our top stories:

Issue 47

Outdoor & indoor pollution p. 3

Issue 46

Common harmful pollutants: scented consumer products p.3

Issue 40

Living with environmental illness p.3

Issue 39

Chemicals in beauty & personal care products p. 3

Celebrating 8th International Congress of Environmental Medicine p.8

Issue 34

New thoughts on the effects of air pollution on health p. 4

On the market: scent-free, organic sunscreen p. 2


What is the difference between allergies and sensitivities?

Most allergists and doctors will claim that allergies are caused by a particular group of antibodies called IgE antibodies reacting to whatever it is they are defending the body from. Pollen sensitivity and hay fever are examples. Sensitivities can be much broader in that people have reactions, however, the reactions may not be IgE mediated. They can be food intolerances or chemical sensitivities. People will have reactions on encountering substances to which they react but it may not be as discernible.

What do you offer for allergies and sensitivities which is different to other clinics?

For over 40 years, Breakspear Medicine has been at the forefront of investigating, diagnosing and treating health conditions and symptoms caused by the environment we live in. Specialising in allergies, sensitivities and environmental illnesses, we create a personalised programme to help provide you with a better quality of life. For allergies and sensitivities, we have found that LDI is particularly useful to help manage and reduce symptoms.

Are there things I can change in my environment to reduce my allergy and sensitivity symptoms?

Yes, our Clinical Team will advise you on the steps you can take within your environment to help reduce your symptoms.  We have put together a booklet with a number of recommendations to improve your home environment, which is available upon request.

How long does it take to complete allergy/sensitivity testing?

As a new patient doing LDI testing for the first time, it may take up to 2 weeks of daily testing to test all the recommend items. When you are testing for the first time, only 1 item can be tested at a time.  It is expected that on average you may test 6 to 8 items per day.  Depending on your reactions, you might need 3 to 4days to test 25 items. Future testing, which is referred to as “re-testing”, takes much less time and may only take one to two sessions.

How will I know which allergens to test?

Every patient has their own individual plan, recommended to them by their doctor. In the majority of patients with allergies/sensitivities, it is important to start with histamine and common foods, which are foods you eat more than 3 times per week.  A list of over 500 items which we have readily available for testing will be provided for you to choose from. Your doctor may recommend specific items and our testing nurses are all very familiar with common allergens.  We are also able to offer custom made items for an additional charge.  There are also seasonal programmes, with specific recommendations.

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