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Are you ready to explore a complete new approach to healthcare? At Breakspear Medical, we specialise in environmental medicine, which takes a unique and comprehensive view of your health.  This approach requires understanding the connection between our environment and our bodies’ optimal wellbeing. In this section, we’ve compiled our fundamental principles so you have everything at hand when it comes time make decisions about managing your health journey today.

We kindly request that all our patients and visitors practice ‘scent-free’ when visiting the clinic. Learn how to keep your scent to a minimum to ensure we can provide optimum health care by making sure everyone feels safe in an odourless environment.

Our bodies have a limit. When we get too much stress, sickness, and not enough sleep, our limit goes lower. Environmental things, such as polluted air or contaminated water, can also move us closer to reaching our limit. The impact of our lifestyle and environment negatively affecting our health is called the Load Phenomenon.

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